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Newspaper Clipping from the “Star Spangled Spectacular” Event in Lima, OH. (PDF)

Plaque from the Relay for Life Campaign in Van Wert County, 2009 (PDF)


Bob –
Friday night was amazing!  Thank you so much for providing Joint Township District Memorial Hospital with a fabulous evening of entertainment at our Annual Christmas Party!!!  You guys (including your horn section) were amazing!  You really had the gang rockin’ and to still have the dance floor full at Midnight with another 150 standing around listening and rockin’ to the beat …and then do an encore – WOW!  Wow, wow, wow is all I’ve heard all week. 
Monday when I came in my email was loaded  and I’ve continued getting emails all week along with phone calls and employees stopping by my office telling me what a fabulous party it was and WHAT A BAND!  When I told them we’ve already booked you for next year, the reaction is “REALLY?? – Oh Greeeaaaat!!  To say they were pleased is a major understatement. 
Bob, please convey to Mark, Ed and Frank along with your horn section just how thrilled our employees were with the fabulous music and entertainment your band provided.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, your family and the band!
Karel A. Slife

Here’s a clip from Steppin’ Out.

Two clips from The Entertainer, Lima edition, week of April 2 thru April 8, 2008…

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